Sunday, August 12, 2012

Trinity 10 General Prayer

Lord God heavenly Father, we call to You in prayer, confident that Your hear our voice and will not hide from our pleas for mercy:

You have invited us to cast our burdens upon You with the promise that You will sustain us. And so Lord we ask Your blessing upon those who are ill and hungry and homeless, that their needs would be met. We pray especially for Cheryl and Anna that they would be strengthened as they recover from injury and illness and Thomas as he undergoes testing. We ask You to comfort those who mourn. Especially do we pray for all who mourn the passing of Betty Marie. Assure them that she rests in Your presence. Watch over all expectant mothers and grant them safe deliveries and healthy children.

We cannot help but look with fear and trembling upon our sins. Sorrow overwhelms us when see how often we have failed to walk in Your ways. We call to You in heartfelt repentance, asking for Your forgiveness, knowing that You have saved us at the cost of Your Son’s lifeblood. Because You have saved us, grant us the power of Your Holy Spirit to amend our ways and our deeds, serving You only and dealing justly with our neighbor.

Send Your blessing upon this congregation so that our worship would always be more than mere words and outward deeds but true and heartfelt and sincere. Make it our heart’s desire and earnest prayer that those around would also come to faith in Your Son Jesus Christ. Use our offerings for missions- and our own witness- to bring others into Your kingdom.

When we are reminded that Your Son wept tears of sorrow over Jerusalem because they would not repent, we think of our own nation and how far we have strayed from your ways. Withhold Your hand of righteous judgment and grant our fellow citizens a new opportunity to turn from evil and trust in You and walk before You in holiness of life.

We thank You for all of the earthly blessings You bestow upon us, especially for the gifts of marriage and family. Continue to bless J.A. and Bernice as they celebrate their anniversary and grant that their love for one another and for You would grow stronger each day. Watch over and protect all who travel, especially Zachary and Sadie.

All of these things we ask in the glad confidence that You hear us for Jesus’ sake in whose name we pray. Amen.

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