Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rev. Franke's Theme Thoughts

C Proper 19      Pentecost 17                         September 15, 2013

Lessons for Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Ezekiel 34:11-24  ~ Gods people, like sheep scattered by their leaders, will be gathered by God Himself.
Psalm 119:169-176 (antiphon:v. 176)
1 Timothy 1:(5-11) 12-17 ~ The gratitude of a sinner rescued by Gods grace is seen in Pauls commitment.
Luke 15:1-10 ~ The joy of finding sheep and coins reflects Gods  joy over sinners rescued by His love.      

GATHERING THE TEXTS: God Couldnt Care Less!
When the people of God were oppressed by wicked shepherds, God cared so much that He wouldnt stand by and watch His flock destroyed.  He promised a Good Shepherd who would redeem His sheep.  When Paul persecuted those who followed Jesus, God reached out in mercy to call him to faith and apostleship.  When sinners are found by Gods grace and restored like lost sheep and lost coins, God and all the hosts of heaven rejoice, because God, who wants all to be saved, just cannot care any less than His great love will allow.

PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Father in heaven, I pray that You always remind me of Your love that reaches out to me through all circumstances.  Let me hear Your call and be fed with Your Word of life.  Help me also speak that call to those who are lost, so they too may know Your all-encompassing love in Christ Jesus, our Good Shepherd.  Amen.

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: Sometimes we act as though people are expendable to increase profits.  When we understand how much God values each person, we will know that material goods are Gods blessings to touch people with His grace.

The fact, O Lord, that You have rescued us
Gives proof of Your great love for everyone.
If new-found souls cause such a  joyful fuss,
Then use these gifts to further Kingdom fun.  Amen.

CONVICTION AND COMFORT:  Jesus does not teach that a lamb in the flock is worth two in the brush!  Every lamb is precious in Gods sight!  We seem to think that searching for the lost diminishes the value of those who are safe.  Searching for the lost does not sanction their condition. The fact is, Gods rescuing us in Christ says much more about His love than about our worth, and our efforts at outreach reflect Gods joy rather than our approval.

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