Sunday, August 17, 2014

Pentecost 10a Proper 15 General Prayer

Gracious heavenly Father, as we lift up our hearts to You in prayer, hear our pleas for mercy and cries for help:

Empower our lives so that we would always keep justice and do righteousness.  Help us to fulfill our vocations in a way that is a blessing and service to others.  Lead our nation and our fellow citizens and leaders to love what is good, hate what is evil, and protect the innocent.

Give us a renewed love for the Lord’s Day so that we do not profane the Sabbath by failing to hear and study Your Word.  Make us joyful and glad to come into this house of prayer. 

Receive the offerings we bring and the sacrifice of our praise and thanksgiving.  Help us to be faithful stewards of all that you have entrusted to us.

Empower the witness of Your Church and this congregation so that those who do not know You may be gathered into Your Church.  Especially do we pray that You would turn the hearts of Your ancient people the Jews so that they would receive Jesus as their Messiah.

Help us to believe that your gracious love and tender care is for all people.  Where there is conflict and discord between the peoples of the world, bring peace.  Especially do we pray that our own congregation would be a living example of the Good News that despite our differences we are one people in Jesus Christ.

Grant us humility to kneel before You in faith and confess that You are more than able to meet our needs of body and soul.  Grant healing to those who are ill, especially Mary and Jennifer.  Give courage and patience to those who are undergoing medical tests.  Graciously meet the needs of those who lack the necessities of life.

We thank You for the gifts You give in marriage and family and children and pray that You make our homes place of peace and plenty.  Especially do we pray that You would bless Tony and Susie as they celebrate their anniversary.  Continue to deepen their love for one another and You.

Lord God heavenly Father, You are our strength and shield.  Throughout the days of lives, help us to trust in You and guide our steps until we reach our heavenly home.  We ask it in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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