Good morning, fellow redeemed!
Devotional Thoughts
This past weekend, our nation celebrated her 233rd birthday. Barbecues were, well, barbecued. Celebrations were celebrated. My family and I braved the traffic to watch the fireworks. As we watched, Kathy and I both were left wondering: Is this all? The fireworks display seemed a bit shorter. At heart, I'm a patriot. I served for nine years, active and reserve, in our nation's armed forces. I get choked up singing the national anthem. I'm one riveted person when I hear the stories of Fort McHenry, San Jacinto, Gettysburg, D-Day, Iwo Jima, Chosin Reservoir, and the like. I live in the City of Man. But, my true citizenship is not in the City of Man; it's in the City of God. By God's grace in Jesus Christ, all true believers in Christ are citizens of His City. As we look for God's Kingdom to be realized at Jesus' return, as we long for the day when our Lord takes us to Himself, we sojourn in the City of Man. And, according to God's direction through St. Paul and St. Peter, we keep this nation in our prayers, praying for our leaders, praying for the ways of justice and peace.
Over the past few weeks, celebrity deaths have been numerous: Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, Billy Mays, Karl Malden, Fred Travalena, Steve McNair. Causes of death ranged from lung cancer (Travalena) to heart disease (Mays), to being really old (Malden - 97), to gunshot (McNair), to "the jury's still out" (Jackson). Reading the reports of some fans and observers, some of these were among the most devastating deaths in history. But, to me, they're all reminders: We are a fallen race living in a fallen world. One fo the lines I remember from a Christmas program long distant tells the truth of all who are descendants of Adam and Eve: And, ever since, we, too, all sin. No matter our station in life, no matter how famous, rich, or physically able, according to St. Paul in Romans 6, the wages of our disobedience is death. That's only the first half of that verse, though. Paul goes on to say, "But the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ." In Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection, there is life for sinners. For all who believe in Christ, there is life - life now in the forgiveness of sins, and life forever when our Lord returns in glory.
Every year, Mt. Olive hosts what I consider to be the best Vacation Bible School in our area. It's five days of controlled chaos, but it's fun, and it's a great opportunity to proclaim Jesus Christ. Will you be tired at the end of the week? Undoubtedly! But, what a great "tired" it will be - proclaiming Christ, meeting new faces, and, did I mention cookies.
With VBS, there are needs:
-Cookies, Rice Krispy treats, and punch are needed each day for the snack
-Volunteers are needed (crew leaders, station helpers, and the like). Please see Kathy for more information.
Saturday, July 11, at 10 a.m., there will be a training meeting for crew leaders, station leaders, helpers, and the like.
Also, Saturday, July 11, at 2 p.m., is a decoration making party!
Sunday, July 12, at 2 p.m., is the decorating party: decorations and sets will be hung, taped, etc., equipment will be tested, and so on.
Monday, July 13, VBS begins!
Mt. Olive also has a second great ministry: Sunday School! Slots are still open to host and teach the Sunday School convocations this summer. Check the clipboard on the narthex table to find your date! This another great opportunity to proclaim Jesus Christ!
I will be out of the office Tuesday through Friday of this week. If there is an emergency, please call your elder, who will, in turn, get in touch with me.
God bless!
Pastor Kevin Jennings
This Week at Mt. Olive (and a little beyond)
Monday, 6:30 p.m. Zumba Aerobics
Tuesday - Friday: Sola! youth gathering in San Antonio
Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Zumba Aerobics
Saturday, 10 a.m. VBS training meeting
Saturday, 2 p.m. Decoration making party begins
Sunday, 8 & 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion
Sunday, 9:15 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class
Sunday, 2 p.m. Decoration party begins
Monday morning: VBS begins!