Good afternoon, fellow redeemed!
This Gospel for today from Mark 9 is a great lesson for us as Christians. Like the father of the demon-possessed boy, unbelief lies always close at hand for us and for all God's people. We may hold up our faith as a standard, but the truth is one small instance can bring on the darkness of unbelief in a split second. As the father of the child confessed his faith, as well as his weakness of unbelief, he was really revealing to Mark's readers, to us, where his trust was located. You see, the casting out of the demon from the boy wasn't dependent on the man's faith; it was done solely by the Lord Christ. There was nothing in the man at all, for it was in the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ that the demon-possessed boy would receive his deliverance. Jesus' words to the disciples at the end of the text, that this kind only come out by prayer, sheds light on the puny trust these disciples had in their Master. In His words, Jesus calls all to believe that He alone is able to bring about deliverance from sin, death, and even the devil.
Many of you are no doubt wondering about my condition. I'm at home and I'm tired. During the communion liturgy at early service this morning, I endured pains going up the left side of my chest and through my left shoulder. The pain was sufficient so that I could not take a deep breath in order to project as I usually do. After a while of this, I finally finished the prayer and the service. Many of you were gathered at Mary's office as I was wheeled into the ambulance and taken to the hospital. The good news that there is no indication of a heart attack. This was confirmed by EKG, blood enzyme tests, and a chest x-ray. The not so definite news is that this doesn't rule out any heart disease. My instructions are to call my doctor and undergo a stress test (again) to rule out the heart (again).
My thanks to Pastor Childs, Sean, Mike Johnson, Mike Shumway, Kim, Dawn, and a whole host of others whose names escape me. I praise God for your concern and for your help in making sure God's gifts were still given to His people this morning.
I do have a question, though: If anyone could give me an update on the progress in Bible Class I'd really appreciate it.
On Rally Day of this year, a list was provided of all Sunday School teachers and their respective levels. I know it's been a few weeks and you probably don't have that list handy. What I do encourage is this: Please remember the Sunday School teachers at Mt. Olive, by name if possible, as they assist in the ministry of the Word. And, please remember the young hearts that receive their teaching, that they may be open to the Holy Spirit's working through the Word these teachers bring.
Wednesday evening will involve two important activities. One is choir at Mt. Olive. The other is the opening rally for Cub Scout Pack 278 at Club Estates Elementary.
The MOSH, that's Mt. Olive Sr. High youth, bowling event went as scheduled. My thanks to Liz Childs and Emily Jirovec in making sure this event happened. I'm still waiting on the play by play of the bowling. I wonder if anyone broke 200? 100? Did anyone ask for the bumpers?
Last week, I gave out a couple of raido programs online that I've come to know and love. Two more email services bring Christ-centered devotions to my inbox each weekday. One is The Meyer Minute, written and produced by Dr. Dale Meyer, president of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and speaker for Mt. Olive's 50th anniversary. You can read these devotions or subscribe at The second devotional email I get on weekdays comes from Pastor Scott Murray of Memorial Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas. It's called the Memorial Moment. It's a bit longer, containing a Scripture passage, a devotional thought, and a writing from one of the Church Fathers. You can subscribe at
Please remember in prayer:
The Sunday School at Mt. Olive
The Church Council, meeting tomorrow night, that they would continue to delight in God's Will
The Church throughout the world as she proclaims the Word of Christ
The baptized, that they may hold securely to their Lord Jesus
Those who serve in the armed forces of our nation, especially Michael Baker (Iraq), Edwin Rodriguez (Afghanistan), Andrew Epley (preparing to deploy to Iraq), and Richard Rhode (North Carolina).
The President, Congress, our governor, and all magistrates, that they would be guided in the ways of justice and truth
God bless!
This Week at Mt. Olive
Monday, September 14
Church Council, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, September 16
8:30 a.m. School Chapel
9:30 a.m. Bible Class (Mystical Experiences begins this week)
6:30 p.m. Choir
Sunday, September 20
No Confirmation Class, as I have a prior commitment.
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