Christ the King Sunday
Lessons for Proper 29 (Lutheran Service Book) November 22, 2009
Daniel 7:9–10, 13–14 ~ Daniel saw one like a son of man with authority, glory and power in an eternal kingdom.
Psalm 93 (antiphon: v. 2)
Revelation 1:4b–8 ~ Jesus is the ruler of earthly kings who has made us to share in His glory and power.
John 18:33–37 ~ Jesus witnessed faithfully before Pilate, that He is King of the Jews, and King of this world!
GATHERING THE TEXTS: A Kingdom Out of this World!
Jesus’ testimony in Pilate’s court, “My kingdom is not of this world,” is an indication of the source of His authority. Daniel’s vision looked to the fulfillment of Jesus’ words when One like a son of man in the clouds of heaven would be given authority, glory, and power. In another vision, the Apostle John saw One coming with the clouds, who by His blood has made us citizens and heirs of His eternal kingdom. Through Jesus’ ministry of life and death, the authority of His Kingdom has come to bear on our world.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: King Jesus, your rule is not from this world, but you have power over all the governments on earth! Help me welcome your kingship in my heart so that everything I say and do may glorify your name and share the love of your kingdom. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: Jesus is the One who will be revealed as King of kings when He comes with power and great glory in the clouds of heaven. As we have been claimed by the power of His love, we give our lives in service to His Kingdom.
OFFERING PRAYER: King of glory, King eternal, servant King of all the earth,
You have claimed us by Your dying, claimed our lives and all our worth.
As we place these gifts in service to Your mission and Your love,
Bless us to give faithful witness ‘til You call us from above.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: If Jesus were in fact, our earthly king, we would fight to protect Him or even to preserve His kingdom. Why is it then, that we don’t put as much energy and effort into promoting His kingdom of grace through our witness and our care for others? Thanks be to God, Jesus’ redemptive love has covered even this sin of failure, and by His grace, preserved us in His love.
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