Good evening, fellow redeemed!
In reading the text of John 2, the account of Jesus' turning water into wine, I'm amazed at the every day occurrence happening at the wedding at Cana. I'm amazed that Jesus' first miraculous sign happens in a dusty little town in Galilee. I'm amazed that we don't know the names of the wedding couple, only the wedding's most honored guest. I'm amazed that the first people to know it was water turned to wine were the servants. At each point of amazement, it's among the plain, the unimportant, the marginalized that Jesus reveals His glory as true God.
A few words about worship bulletins are in order.
- Two different kinds of worship folders are printed each week. One normally requires the use of a hymnal while the other is printed in linear fashion.
- One kind of bulletin is printed in 11 pitch type, while the other is printed in 22 pitch type (Large Print).
- Each worshiper is welcome to use the bulletin that best meets their need in worship. For those who do not have the worship service memorized, the large print, linear bulletin is the best choice. It's the best choice for guests who are not familiar with the liturgy. It may well be the best choice for a number of worshipers who require some help navigating the service.
- The two kinds of worship folders are not age specific. Both are available to all worshipers. If more of one kind are needed, we'll simply make more to make sure everyone has the worship folder needed.
- If anyone has any concerns about worship folders and their use, please feel free to talk to me.
Tonight was a great night of planning and games with the Jr. Youth. Playing "cut throat" hearts with novices is always fun.
January 25, I invite all those interested or with dates to include on a church calendar to gather with me in my conference room. My purpose is to set a calendar for the coming 6 months. Even if a particular function isn't planned, I still issue this invitation so that we might establish a comprehensive calendar for planning.
Prayer Concerns:
Dawn Johnson's sister undergoing surgery this week
Those who serve in our armed forces: Andrew Epley (Iraq), the niece of John Miller (Afghanistan), Rob Vadney (Ft. Sill), Edwin Rodriguez and Richard Rhode (North Carolina), Michael Baker (returned from deployment), Ryan Radtke, John Sorensen, Dru Blanc (NAS Corpus Christi), William Worley (NAS Kingsville)
In Christ,
This Week at Mt. Olive
Monday, January 18
School and Extended Care Closed
Girl Scouts, 6:30 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics, 6:30 p.m.
STARC Testing, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, January 19
Board of Elders, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 20
School Chapel, 8:30 a.m.
Bible Study, 9:30 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal, 6 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics, 7 p.m.
Guitar Worship Practice, 7 p.m.
Thursday, January 21
Cub Scout Den Meetings, 6:30 p.m.
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