Third Sunday of Easter, Series C April 18, 2010
Lessons for Third Sunday of Easter (Lutheran Service Book)
Acts 9:1-22 – Jesus confronted Saul and called him from persecuting to proclaiming the Way.
Psalm 30 (antiphon: vv. 11a, 12b)
Revelation 5:(1-7) 8-14 – The hosts of heaven sing praise to the Lamb, slain to purchase people for God.
John 21:1-14 (15-19) – After He rose, Jesus appeared to the disciples at the sea of Galilee to re-instate Peter.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: A Joy that Cannot be Quieted!
A dejected band of disciples who went out to the sea of Galilee for some rest and recreation came back to shore with a miraculous catch of fish and a new joy for life! Gathered around a breakfast campfire, they learned about forgiveness first hand as Jesus reinstated Peter in ministry. Later, the young rabbi, Saul, called from persecuting followers of The Way and claimed by Jesus for service in His mission, joyfully proclaimed Jesus as Lord and Savior! Even the angels in heaven cannot help but sing the praises of the Lamb of God who was slain for the redemption of the world!
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Lamb of God, you have called me by name and claimed me for service in your kingdom. By your death you have redeemed me; by your resurrection you have empowered me. Fill me with your Spirit that I may tell everyone that you are my Lord and Savior. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: God has called us to use our material goods to proclaim the victory Christ has won for all the tribes and nations of the world. Often He has to reassure us that by His grace we are still useful to Him in the task of extending His kingdom in Christ Jesus.
OFFERING PRAYER: Worthy are You, O Lamb of God, who with Your blood
Purchased people from every nation and tribe.
Bless our power and wealth, our wisdom and strength for good,
That Your Kingdom be honored and Your name glorified. Amen.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: God has brought about a great change for us through Jesus’ death and resurrection! He calls us to turn from our former life and embrace the renewal He has accomplished. Although we often resist this new life and sometimes even oppose it, God empowers us to live in the forgiveness and acceptance of His grace. He fills us with a great joy as we celebrate the Lamb, who has opened the scroll of God’s good news, proclaiming His defeat of Satan and victory over death won for us.
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