Pentecost 06, Series C July 4, 2010
Lessons for Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (LSB Proper 09)
Isaiah 66:10-14 ~ Isaiah proclaimed God’s promise to bring the exiles back and restore Jerusalem to peace.
Psalm 66:1-7 (antiphon: vv.8-9)
Galatians 6:1-10, 14-18 ~ Peace is restored when sin is confronted and the sinner moved to repentance.
Luke 10:1-20 ~ The seventy-two prophets of peace proclaimed the kingdom of God in word and deed.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: Disturbing or Restoring the Peace
Isaiah brought God’s promise to restore Jerusalem and bring peace to His people when He would return them from exile. The seventy-two were whom Jesus sent out to were messengers of God’s peace; they proclaimed: "Peace to this house. The kingdom of God is near you." St. Paul wrote, when our peace is disrupted by sin we are to restore the sinner, gently. What counts is the new peace that God has created in Christ.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Make me an instrument of your peace, Lord. Where I have known turmoil, you have given me tranquility; when I have known sin, you have granted me forgiveness. Help me share your grace with others, not disturbing the peace, but restoring it. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: Jesus sent the seventy-two out with few provisions and no money to demonstrate their dependance on those who heard their proclamation of God’s Kingdom peace. We support the teaching of the Gospel when we provide for those who bring God’s Good News.
OFFERING PRAYER: Your Kingdom, Lord, does not depend on moneybags and wealth,
But rather on the riches of Your love and grace and truth.
From love of earthly goods and power, we pray, grant us release,
And bless these gifts that they may spread Your promised word of peace. Amen.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: We think peace is promoted by quietly putting up with sin, especially if we are the ones who are guilty! But Jesus says there can be no peace when sin is not acknowledged and repented. When sin has trapped a person, she or he can be released and restored by a believer who leads the sinner to the forgiveness offered through Jesus who has given believers authority over sin and Satan.
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