Good evening, fellow redeemed!
As the story of Abraham interceding with God over Sodom and Gomorrah, it becomes evident that there is another lesson at work here: boldness in prayer. In these verses (Genesis 18:20-33), Abraham doesn't shy away from the audience granted by God. Maybe that's why the prayers of the Bible are so instructive. They are bold, staking God to His promises. As one old seminary professor once told us, we pray to God the Father, through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit. Christ is our mediator before the Father, and through Him and by the Spirit, we are God's dear children. I cringe whenever I hear "just" prayers or when I hear children instructed to pray only for those things they can't do themselves. I scoff at the request to pray a "little" prayer. The God to whom we pray is the Creator of the universe, yet He has time to listen to us. A "just" prayer is simply not acceptable when we pray with "all boldness and confidence," as we're instructed in the Small Catechism. There are no little prayers, either, for the God to whom we pray has purchased us with the blood of His own dear Son.
A hot topic in today's world is identity protection. Numerous services are available to prevent identity theft. This week, on Wednesday evening right after Zumba, there will be an Identity Theft Prevention workshop held in the Fellowship Hall. Included in this workshop is ice cream! Bring your favorite ice cream to share, and learn some basics of identity protection.
A true story about identity - from David Simonds (I have his permission to use this story).
Several weeks ago, David received a letter asking him to appear in court concerning an auto accident in Salem, Massachusetts. He said he thought it was a joke and ignored it. A couple of weeks later, there was a knock on his door. A postal carrier delivered a certified letter containing a summons for David to appear in court in Salem, Mass. After consulting his attorney and sending documentation, the mix up concerning David was resolved. As he researched the situation, David learned that the attorney in Massachusetts had simply Googled "David Simonds" and came up with his name.
While this may not be the classic identity theft story, and certainly doesn't have the devastation of many identity theft incidents, it does highlight the ease with which identities can be compromised.
Many of you expressed your sympathies at the death of my aunt Stella a couple of weeks ago. Not only was I and my family appreciative, but I also conveyed those sympathies to my mother while in Austin this past week. She and my dad were most thankful for your expressions. Thank you very much for your concern, your expressions of sympathy, and your prayers for my family.
Prayer Concerns:
Those who serve in our armed forces and their families: Rob Vadney (Afghanistan), John Miller's niece (Afghanistan), Andrew Epley (Iraq), Richard Rhode (North Carolina), Ryan Radtke, John Sorensen, Dru Blanc (Corpus Christi)
Burt Nelson, recovering from surgery
Pastor Matthew Harrison, newly elected president of the LCMS
This Week at Mt. Olive:
Monday, July 26
6 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, July 28
6 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics
7 p.m.
Identity Theft Prevention Workshop and Ice Cream Social
Thursday, July 29
God bless!
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