Series A, Christmas 2, Series A January 2, 2011
Lessons for the Second Sunday after Christmas
1 Kings 3:4–15 ~ Solomon prayed for wisdom to govern God’s people.
Psalm 119:97–104 (antiphon vs. 99)
Ephesians 1:3–14 ~ God chose us in Christ to share in His spiritual blessings.
Luke 2:40–52 ~ As a boy, Jesus lingered in the Temple to do His Father’s work.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: Wisdom and Understanding
Two of the gifts of the Spirit mentioned by Isaiah (11:2) in connection with the Messiah, are wisdom and understanding. The young King Solomon recognized that he needed wisdom from God in order to govern God’s people. St. Paul explains that to be chosen by God and adopted into His family through Jesus, means to receive redemption through Christ’s blood along with all wisdom and understanding. Just as Jesus grew in wisdom and understanding as a young boy, so we as God’s children continue to grow spiritually and in the understanding of God’s will and ways.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Dear Lord Jesus, as a little boy you grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. Help me continue to grow in spiritual understanding all my life so that I may reflect your great love through me to others. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: Riches and honor and even long life are gifts from God to be used for God’s glory and to bless His people with justice and peace.
OFFERING PRAYER: Father, in this Christmas season as we marvel at Your love,
Let us always know the reason You have blessed us from above
Is that we may be Your servants, bringing justice, hope, and peace
So the ones that You have chosen, may in Christ find their release.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: We see everything from our perspective, like children searching under the tree for their gifts and eager to open them first. We are troubled by inconveniences caused even by those who are dear to us. We turn wealth and long life into ends in themselves thinking they bring honor to us, rather than using them as means to honor the One who gives them by serving His people. And yet, God has chosen us in Christ Jesus, and brought us into His house to know and do His will! May we continue to grow in His grace!
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