Series A, Epiphany 5 February 6, 2011
Lessons for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 58:3–9a ~ God called His people to task for fasts that met their interests at the expense of the poor.
Psalm 112:1–9 (antiphon: v. 4)
1 Corinthians 2:1–12 (13-16) ~ The way of God’s grace is discerned only through the working of the Spirit.
Matthew 5:13–20 ~ Jesus held His followers to the perfection of the law, which He Himself fulfilled.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: What About Grace Don’t You Understand?
There was something about Jesus’ compassion that gave people the wrong idea about His message. The law is still the Law, and God’s intent for us is perfection in all its details. In Isaiah’s day, the people couldn’t get away with shows of piety that added further burdens to their oppressed neighbors. The details of God’s demands are spelled out: share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless into your house. Only the Spirit of God can teach us that grace is not a relaxing of God’s demands, but a fulfilling of them in our failures through the cross of Christ.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Gracious God, do not let me mistake Your compassion for compromise. Keep me from being careless with Your demands, and keep me always caring for the needs of the oppressed. And when I see that my life has failed to fulfill Your purpose, give me grace to trust the fulfillment of my life in Jesus’ death on the cross. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: Every moment of our lives are given meaning because we have been rescued from waste and given worth through Jesus, the One who fulfilled God’s righteous demands on us by His sacrificial death on the cross. As He is risen to life again, He gives us opportunities to live for Him and for others.
OFFERING PRAYER: Lord, You are the Salt of our lives and the Light of our soul.
You flavor our days, and Your love makes us whole.
With all of these gifts that we bring You this day,
In heart and in action, bring hope to the hurting, we pray.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: Salt is for flavor and lamps are for lighting. When they no longer do what they are designed for, they are worthless. God’s people are for living up to the demands of His law, including giving care and comfort to the poor, the oppressed, and the homeless. When we fail, we are worthless, like bland salt and burned out lamps. In a wisdom we cannot understand, but only perceive through the teaching of God’s Spirit, Jesus has fulfilled our purpose and given us new life! Living in Christ’s righteousness we are assured of entering the Kingdom of Heaven!
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