The Second Sunday of Easter, Series A May 1, 2011
Lessons for the Second Sunday of Easter
Acts 5:29-42 ~ The apostles were beaten, but they continued proclaiming that Jesus is the Christ.
Psalm 148 (antiphon v. 13)
1 Peter 1:3-9 ~ Our faith that Jesus is the Christ is strengthened through suffering.
John 20:19-31 ~ Through the marks of Jesus’ suffering, we may believe He is the Christ.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: Jesus Gives a Wounded Peace.
The apostles rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus! They continued proclaiming that Jesus is the Messiah. An old Jewish legend explains that the Messiah is a wounded healer. He is the One who, through his death, "has given us a new birth into a living hope." He has promised us salvation, "although now for a little while we may have to suffer grief in all kinds of trials." He is the One who sends us out into the world, just as the Father sent him, to forgive the sins of those who need to be restored to the fellowship. Jesus puts the community back together again by the power of his wounded hands and side.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Lord Jesus, from this side of your empty tomb, even the cross doesn't look so bad, but help me remember that your suffering was great and your victory majestic, so that in my own trials I may be certain of your strength and triumph for me with its promise of a living hope and an eternal inheritance. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: Jesus sends us to those who are separated from the community to use all our resources as we extend the peace of restored fellowship with God and with each other. He has provided the greatest tool for reconciliation, the forgiveness of sins won by his wounds and guaranteed by his resurrection.
OFFERING PRAYER: Your peace You give, O Lord, peace in Your name.
Your hope You place in us, the lost to reclaim;
Your love embraces us, covering all blame.
Bless these our gifts, O Lord, to honor Your name.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: Even in this post-Easter glow, our relationship with others in the body of Christ is often fragmented by pride, mistrust, or carelessness. Just as Jesus actively set about restoring the broken peace among the disciples, so he compels us to reach out to one another with the reconciling power of his forgiveness as we restore one another to the fellowship. Only in the unity of the faith we have through the living hope of the resurrected Christ, are we able to endure the suffering and trials of a community giving vital witness to our risen Lord.
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