The Festival of Pentecost, Series A June 12, 2011
Lessons for The Day of Pentecost
Numbers 11:24–30 ~ Two of the elders of Israel inside the camp prophesied also.
Psalm 104:24–34, 35b (ant. v. 33a)
Acts 2:1–21 ~ On Pentecost the Holy Spirit spoke through the tongues of the disciples.
John 7:37–39 ~ Streams of living water will flow from the hearts of believers.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: God’s Power for God’s People
In the wilderness, God’s Spirit gave the elders of Israel power to prophecy so that the people could be built up in the fear of the Lord. On Pentecost people from around the world heard the wonders of what God had done in His Son Jesus Christ, and the number of God’s people grew. Jesus promised that the power of His living word would flow from the hearts of believers. The power of the Spirit brings people to repentance and gives birth to faith in their hearts.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: O Holy Spirit, Light divine, You shine in my heart with Your illumining power. Help me see where I have failed to witness to Christ my Savior; give me power to overcome my fears so that I may proclaim His name through the loving deeds in my life. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: Stewardship is about joyfully returning to God a portion of that bounty which God first bestowed on us, so that our gifts, and our lives, may be blessed in His service.
OFFERING PRAYER: Through the stewardship of Your gifts, dear Father,
may we share our faith with one another,
that many may come to know the good news
that Jesus is their Savior and their brother.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: The work of the Holy Spirit is to call people to faith and keep them in faith. It is God’s plan to use believers as His instruments to tell His saving Word in the languages that people can understand. We who have been called to Christ don’t share His Word at every opportunity. In fact, too often we even prevent others from speaking up for Christ. God’s Word of promise will flow from forgiven hearts like water from a refreshing spring.
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