Proper 10, Series A July 10, 2011
Lessons for The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 55:10-13 ~ God’s Word produces new life as rain upon dry soil.
Psalm 65:(1-8) 9-13 [Antiphon vs 5]
Romans 8:12-17 ~ God’s children are led by His Spirit to live in the joyful hope of His glory.
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 ~ God’s Word in our hearts produces great results like seed in good soil.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: When God Speaks....
The Word of God is powerful, creating what He wills, doing what He wants. God's Word accomplishes His plans the way spring rains bring forth life in the desert. Children of God, adopted by the power of God's Spirit through His gospel Word, are freed from slavery to fear to live in the joyful hope of inheriting the glory of God’s Kingdom. Jesus explained that God's kingdom grows by the planting of his Word. Like Isaiah's spring rains, God's Word brings forth the fruit of repentance in our lives many times over.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Gracious, all-creating God, you spoke and the world was made. You speak today and provide everything we need for life. Speak to my heart this day, O Lord, and fill me with patience in my suffering, hope in my waiting, and trust in my Savior. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: What we give to God is a generous and honorable portion of the harvest growing from the seed He has planted in our lives.
OFFERING PRAYER: Your word, O Lord, takes mighty root,
And nurtures faith to grow.
Now bless these gifts to bring forth fruit,
And all Your grace bestow.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: Little plants spring up quickly when the spring rains provide moisture. They push relatively large chunks of crust away easily. God’s Word is like that; it pushes aside any opposition, which is good news for us when we are facing the tribulations of life that get in our way of faith. But frightening news when we recognize we are often the ones who oppose the new work that God is doing in our lives and in our world. Thanks be to God, he has given us a new spirit as his children and heirs of the kingdom he is building.
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