Good evening, fellow redeemed!
Attached is the 2012 church and school budget. Please peruse this in preparation for 11 DEC.
A few things for this week that are of importance:
Wednesday, we'll be covering the remainder of chapter 11 and jumping into chapter 12 of Revelation at 9:30 a.m. Those words are graphic in chapter 12: "And war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought..."
Thursday, Thanksgiving Day Service, at 9:30 a.m.
The youth of Mt. Olive will once again be journeying to see the Nutcracker on 18 DEC (Sunday, gather at 1, performance at 3 p.m.). If you wish to go and have the youth fund take care of part of your ticket, I need to know by this coming Sunday, November 27. The cost for you is $5 and the rest is co. If that's a problem, I want you to go. Please get with me. Absolutely, positively, I need your reservation by Sunday morning, if not sooner. Do not tell me as you're leaving church, or as you're coming in. Do not pass go... Oops, sorry 'bout that! Please send me an email indicating your desire to go by Sunday morning at the very latest!
Finally, a few important dates:
24 NOV - Thanksgiving Day Service, 9:30 a.m.
No Christmas Program practice or Confirmation Instruction on Sunday, November 27.
30 NOV - Advent Midweek Services begin at 12:15 and 7:15 p.m.
4 DEC - Confirmation Class (12:00) and Christmas Program practice (1:30 p.m.)
11 DEC - Confirmation Class (12:00) and Christmas Program practice (1:30 p.m.)
18 DEC - Youth to Nutcracker, no Confirmation Class or Program practice
20 DEC (Tuesday) - Christmas Program Practice at 6 or 6:30 p.m. (to be decided yet)
22 DEC (Thursday) - Youth Christmas Cookie Baking and Caroling (time TBA)
24 DEC (Saturday) - Christmas Program (6:30 p.m.), Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (11 p.m.)
25 DEC (Sunday) - Christmas Divine Service at regular worship times (8 and 10:30 a.m.)
Psalm 114 recalls the deeds of the God of Israel and His deliverance of His people. Christmas is a time when the Last Days begin. Read Psalm 114 as part of your devotions this week to hear of the awesome deeds of the true God in the past, and to wait with holy expectation for His awesome deeds to come.
God bless1
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