Good morning, fellow redeemed!
"And now I commend you to the Lord and to the word of His grace which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance of all the holy ones." Acts 20:32
St. Paul's words are a real eye opener for today's religious scene. The apostle commends his hearers to the living Lord and to His powerful word of grace, which is able to build up and establish God's people, and is able to give them the inheritance of those pronounced holy in Christ.
I say it's a real eye opener for today's religious scene for a reason. Mention the power of God and people's eyes light up. Many go looking for the power of God in a flashy, spectacular setting, or in their own thoughts and desires. Alas, it's more an emotional high being sought than anything else.
There is but one way that God has revealed His mighty power, and that is in His Word, the Word Made Flesh, the "With Us God" who has made His dwelling place with us by taking on our flesh. As St. John says in John 1:17, "Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." God's mighty power isn't reserved for light shows, but is shown in its fullness in the crucifixion of His Son. That's God's powerful, life-giving Word of Grace, Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Yet, we know nothing of Jesus outside of what is communicated in God's word of grace on the page, God's Word in human language, Holy Scripture. It's a great gift that we are given, God's Word that makes us wise unto salvation in human language, delivered through prophets and evangelists and apostles. And, it's in this word that God the Holy Spirit has promised to bring us Christ!
Blessed Lord, who has caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning, grant that we may so hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of Your holy Word we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life which You have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.
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