Good evening, brothers and sisters in Christ!
Today's Epistle text is really great. St. Paul had been receiving an offering from the Gentile churches to give to the church in Jerusalem which was undergoing affliction. In chapter 8, today's text, Paul writes of the Macedonian church, which, "in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part." The way the Macedonian church came to this point of overflowing in generosity in spite of their poverty was simple: "But they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us."
They gave themselves first to the Lord... In a couple of weeks, Mt. Olive will embark on another year of the ministry which seems to be our mark on this community, Vacation Bible School. Resources are needed, as well as volunteers. But, taking what Paul says of the Macedonians, as we approach VBS week and wonder how we might be a part of this needed ministry, the blessed apostle gives us sound counsel. We first give ourselves to the Lord that we may serve and glorify Him who has redeemed, purchased, and won us.
This Week at Mt. Olive:
This month's Olive Branch is attached.
Many of you over the past several weeks expressed your concern for Kathy. I praise God for your words of comfort and wisdom and for your prayers. As I mentioned, she will be undergoing heart catheterization (sp?) on Thursday morning. This is being done to confirm that there is no difficulty with her heart, so that we may move toward knee replacement after VBS.
With the 4th of July at hand, the Church Office will be closed on Wednesday.
Monday, July 2
6 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics
Wednesday, July 4 (Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!)
Church Office is closed; Bible studies will not meet
Thursday, July 5
6 p.m. Zumba Aerobics
Saturday, July 7
1 p.m.
VBS decoration and set creation
Sunday, July 8
1 p.m.
VBS Set Up
Prayer Concerns:
Those who serve in our armed forces and their families: Rob Vadney (Ft. Campbell), John Sorensen
David Simonds, Kathy Jennings
Ruby Rieder, Ann Cleveland, Burt and Doris Nelson, Walter and Pearly Theiss (Houston)
Our nation, the President of the United States, the Congress, courts, and leaders at all levels
VBS mission at Mt. Olive
God bless!
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