Lord God heavenly Father, for the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ, be gracious to us and hear our prayers:
We praise You, O Lord, for Your goodness and forgiveness, setting us free from sin and death by Your Son Jesus Christ. Grant that as Your forgiven people we would be forgiving to others.
Because You abound in steadfast love, fill us with Your love for others. Especially do we ask Your blessing upon Michael and Elizabeth as they celebrate their anniversary. Grant that their love for one another and for You would grow each day.
Bless all of those who call upon You in the day of trouble. According to your wise fatherly will, grant healing to those who are ill. Meet the needs of those who are poor and needy. Fill us with mercy and compassion for those who need our help. Protect persecuted Christians throughout the world especially the pastor and people of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mardan, Pakistan whose church was burned to the ground.
You have delivered us from death and hell by the resurrection of Your Son Jesus Christ and promised us eternal life. Be with all of those who mourn the death of loved ones, especially the family of Lornadell and Ron. Assure them that their loved ones are safely at home with You and keep us in the same faith.
Throughout our life You have blessed with Your steadfast love, giving us gifts that enrich our lives. We thank for the blessing of friends and fellow believers, especially for Ed and Helen, and for our many years together as fellow members of this congregation. We pray that You would continue to be with them in the days ahead and bring them new friends and a new church home. We also give You thanks for the new baby girl that You have given to Chris and Joy and pray that You would bring little Lilly safely to the waters of Holy Baptism.
Watch over and protect all expectant mothers and grant them safe deliveries and healthy children.
Make us truly thankful for Your many gifts and tender mercies and help us to live lives that glorify Your holy name. In our family life and work life and civic life help us bear witness that we are Your people.
All of these things we ask, counting on Your steadfast love promised to all who call upon You. Amen.
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