Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost October 7, 2012
Lessons for Proper 22
Genesis 2:18–25 ~ God gave Adam and Eve to each other as companions to defeat loneliness.
Psalm 128 (antiphon: v. 1)
Hebrews 2:1–13 (14–18) ~ God’s Son became our brother in the flesh to rescue us from the death of sin.
Mark 10:2–16 ~ In the home blessed by marriage, both parents bring their children to Jesus for blessing.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: Power Over Sin and Death
God has provided us with power over sin and death. In the institution of marriage, he gave husband and wife to each other as companions to defeat loneliness. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” Both parents, working together bring their children to Jesus and the Kingdom of God for His blessing. When conflict and divorce interfere with that blessing, both husband and wife must rely on God’s grace in Christ Jesus, who shared our humanity, and by his death won forgiveness for us to make us children of God.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: Gracious God and Father of all humanity, You provided a family in which I may grow and be nourished. Help me appreciate each family member, in my home and in my congregation, so that I may encourage and sustain them in their daily walk with You. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: Some of the greatest stewardship responsibilities God gives to His people are the care and raising of children. In the context of families God has also given great resources for nurturing children in His family of grace and love.
OFFERING PRAYER: O Son of God, You are our own, our flesh of flesh and bone of bone;
When rich or poor, for good or worse, You claim our lives and break sin’s curse.
We bring these gifts for You to bless and work through them Your righteousness
To rescue from futility all children for Your family. Amen.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: “. . . and God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone.’” So God blessed His creation of man with companionship in marriage. Even when we manage to keep those together whom God has joined as one, we do not build up and encourage one another as God intended. And sadly enough, often today, families are torn apart, and children go without the blessing of both parents in their lives. Our only comfort is that God has also joined another One to us in the flesh, bringing us His companionship in this life and fellowship with Him for all eternity by His death for our sins and the victory of His resurrection.
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