We thank You, Lord God, heavenly Father, that in Your goodness you have not only preserved our earthly life, but have also called us, through the Gospel of your Son, into life eternal.
On this observance of All Saints Day, when we remember all of those who have departed this life in faith, let us not sorrow as those who have no hope, but trust in the words of Your Son that whoever believers in him shall never die.
Remind us that here on earth we have no eternal home and so lead us to make the right use of our time and teach us to yearn for our eternal home with You.
Empower us by your Spirit to follow in the steps of those men and women, who through patience and faith, have inherited the eternal joys of heaven. Help us amid the trials and temptations of this world to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
When the days of our brief journey on earth are done and we pass through the valley of the shadow of death, abide with us, and comfort us with the innocent death and all sufficient merit of our Redeemer so that we may fall asleep in Jesus and awaken in the glory of Your presence.
Keep our graves under the shadow of Your wings that they may be peaceful resting places until You raise up our mortal bodies and clothe them with immortality.
We give You thanks that your mercy and kindness extends not only to our eternal future but to our earthly lives in this moment. And so we pray that You would bless our nation and guide our fellow citizens as we choose new leaders—that You would help all of those affected by Hurricane Sandy—that You would grant healing to those who are ill, especially Kathleen and Barbara—and that You would give Bailey every good gift of body and soul as he celebrates a birthday.
May we today, and at all times, take Your Word to heart so that when we join the redeemed that have gone before us, we may begin eternity with joy and add our voice to the whole company of heaven in giving all blessing and honor and glory to You and the Lamb, forever and ever. Amen
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