Lord God heavenly Father, You are our refuge and our portion in the land of the living. Hear us as we come to You in Jesus’ name and lay our needs before You in prayer:
We pray that You would magnify Your law and make it glorious for the sake of righteousness in our nation and its people and leaders. Lead people everywhere to acknowledge Your will and walk in Your ways. Rid us of our besetting national sins and help us to use our freedom to worship You.
We give You thanks and praise that when we were in the darkness of sin and death You caused the light of Your Son Jesus Christ to shine into lives. Grant us the powerful help of Your Holy Spirit to walk in his light so that we may say and do those things that are good and right and true.
Bless the church as it proclaims Your word throughout the world so that the works of darkness are exposed and the light of Your Son Jesus is revealed for the salvation of many. Support the missionaries of the church and prosper their work.
Watch over and protect all of those who are persecuted for their faith. Deliver them from their persecutors and set them free from their prisons that all may see Your mighty deliverance and give thanks to Your holy name.
Grant us compassion for all those who are affected by the brokenness of this world. Use us as Your hands and feet and mouth to show Your love for them. According to Your wise Fatherly will, grant healing to the sick, provision for those in need, and comfort for those who mourn.
When we are called upon the bear witness to You and Your powerful work in our lives grant us courage and clarity in our confession so that those we tell could come to a saving knowledge of your Son Jesus Christ.
We give You thanks and praise for all of the material gifts You bestow upon us. Bless and strengthen the marriages and families of Your people. And especially do we ask Your continued blessings upon Wes and Harriet as they celebrate their wedding anniversary, that their love for You and one another would grow each day.
Whatever else You see that we need; whatever serves our neighbor and brings glory to You; grant to us dear Father in heaven for we ask all things in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
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