Lord God heavenly Father, incline Your ear to us and hear our voice as we cry to You in prayer:
When we suffer anguish and distress, rather than worry and be anxious, remind us that can call upon You in prayer and count on Your deliverance. Give Your people a deep and abiding life of prayer.
Bless and empower the proclamation of the church with the gift of the Holy Spirit so that all those who hear the Good News of Jesus Christ would be brought from death to life.
Continue to raise up a new generation of men who will faithfully proclaim Your Word. Prosper the work of missionaries and protect those Christians around the world who are persecuted for their faith.
Just as You promised to give new life to the whole house of Israel, work new life in our fellow citizens, turning hearts way from sin and selfishness to Your Son Jesus and a sincere love for their fellow man. Especially do we pray that You would rid us of our national sins, protect the lives of the weak and unborn, and care for those in need.
We thank You and praise You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to take upon himself our flesh, fulfill the law in our place, and suffer for our sins so that now there is co condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
By the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, raise our bodies to eternal life on the last day. Until that day, grant us the help of the Holy Spirit so that we would set our minds on things of the Spirit and walk according to Your holy will.
Bless our homes and families and marriages to be like Mary, Martha, and Lazarus who sincerely believed in Jesus, trusted in his will, confessed him as Lord, and received his mighty help. Especially do we remember with thanksgiving Leah and Hannah as they celebrate baptismal birthdays, that they would live in Christ all their days.
Whatever else You see that we need; whatever serves our neighbor; and whatever brings glory to You, grant to us dear Father in heaven for we ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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