Lord God heavenly Father, incline Your ear to us and hear our pleas for mercy as we come to You in prayer:
When we suffer the snares of death, when we are brought low, when our eyes are filled with tears, deliver us and save us. According to Your mercy and wisdom grant healing to those who are ill and injured, especially Lisa. Comfort for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, especially the McIntosh family as they mourn the death of Jackie. Provide material aid for those who are hungry and homeless and unemployed, especially help Liang find employment in her chosen field.
Because You are good and richly provide for all our needs of body and soul, help us to be faithful stewards of all that You have given into our hands, caring for those around us and returning to You our sacrificial, first-fruit offerings.
By the power of Your Holy Spirit grant us true repentance of life that we would turn from sin and turn in faith to your Son Jesus Christ for forgiveness and new life. Each day let us return to our baptism where You buried us in Christ’s death and raised us in Christ’s resurrection so that we could walk in newness of life.
We give You thanks and praise for setting us free from slavery to sin, death and the power of the devil not with gold or silver but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, a lamb without spot or blemish. As we come to the Sacrament of Holy Communion grant us a true faith to receive his body and blood for our spiritual good.
Empower the witness of Your church throughout the world so that the salvation won by Jesus Christ would be preached far and wide, that many would be saved from this crooked generation. Let the Good News of Easter always be on our lips so that we would always be ready to tell others of Jesus’ love. Watch over our missionaries and their families and encourage all those persecuted for their faith.
Just as Jesus remained with the Emmaus disciples in their home, so abide with us in ours. Bless our marriages and families. Let Your Word be a part of our daily life. Provide for our material needs. And let our love for one another deepen and grow each day. Especially do we ask your blessing upon Martin as he celebrates his birthday, that You would bless him in body and soul all his days.
Whatever else You see that we need; whatever serves our neighbor and brings glory to You; whatever extends Your kingdom; grant to us dear Father in heaven for we ask it all in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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