Lord God heavenly Father, as we come to You in prayer, we ask that You would be gracious to us according to Your promise:
When the cords of wicked men ensnare us, protect our lives, goods, and reputations through those whom You have appointed as Your ministers in the state. Give wisdom to our leaders and protect our military men and women.
The earth, O Lord, is full of Your steadfast love and yet there are many who lack the necessities of life because of their own foolishness and the greed of others and the wickedness of evil men. Give to those who stand in any material need the gifts to sustain their earthly life and lead us to be generous to meet those needs. We especially ask that You would watch over the young people who are crossing our border and give our leaders the wisdom to meet this crisis in a just and merciful way.
We confess and believe that there is no god besides You and that all that is worshiped apart from You are idols. Bless the church here and abroad as we seek to bear witness that You O Lord are the God who created us, redeemed us by the blood of Your Son, and calls the world by the Holy Spirit to repent and believe your promises.
Always set before our eyes the blessings that only You can give so that when we are tempted to depart from Your ways we would be reminded that the things of this world are not worth comparing to the blessings of life and salvation we have in Your Son Jesus Christ.
Grant us patience to endure a life that is lived in the midst of our enemies and remind us that the day of judgment is still to come. When we feel angry at the troubles and injustices that we experience on account of being Your people, remind us that we are safe and secure in Your almighty hands. Set before us again and again the example of Your Son Jesus so that we too would find the strength to forgive our enemies.
We thank You for the gifts of marriage and family. Raise up godly spouses for our children. Bless those who are beginning their married lives together. Keep our children in the faith and give them every spiritual and bodily blessing. Especially do we ask Your blessing upon Jim’s grandchildren, that You would keep them close to You and work all things together for their good.
Be with us throughout our life so that at the close of the age we would be found to be those fruitful sheaves of grain who are gathered into Your barn and shine forever like the sun.
Whatever else You see that we need; whatever serves our neighbor and extends Your kingdom; whatever gives glory to You, grant to us dear Father in heaven for we ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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