Gracious heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ we ask that You would hear our prayer and give ear to our cries for mercy:
Make us people after Your own heart who are willing to search out and find all of those who are lost sheep so that we might bring them into Your fold. Bless the work of pastors and missionaries throughout the world and make their efforts fruitful for the growth of Your flock.
You have promised to bind up the injured and strengthen the weak. Care for those who stand in any need. According to Your will heal those who are sick; deliver those who are caught in the snare of addictions; and meet the material needs of those who are hungry and homeless and lonely.
Grant us compassion for those who are weak so that we do not fall under Your judgment. Open our eyes to the needs of those around us and lead us to generously meet those needs.
We thank You that You have graciously kept Your promise to send the Son of David to be our Good Shepherd who has laid down his life for us on the cross. By the help of Your Holy Spirit help us always to remain members of his flock. Especially do we give You thanks for the gift of life that You have granted to Your servant Trey as he celebrates a birthday. Keep him close to You all his days and bless him with every good gift of body and soul.
Comfort those who mourn with the Good News that in Christ we will all be made alive and that Jesus is the firstfruits of an entire harvest of people who will also rise from their graves.
Until that day when Jesus puts all enemies under his feet, protect, guide, and uphold all those who serve as Your ministers for our good in the government, especially our military men and women, that our enemies would not prevail against us.
Remind us that as your people our lives of faith are to be busy and active, doing good works and performing acts of charity and service so that we might receive the commendation of Your Son when he comes again to judge all people.
Keep us firm in our faith and grant that on that day we hear these words: Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for You from the foundation of the world.
Whatever else You see that we need; whatever serves our neighbor and brings glory to You; whatever extends Your kingdom, grant to us dear Father in heaven for we ask all things in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
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