Good afternoon, fellow redeemed!
Last night and this morning, the Jr. Youth and company could have taped their own "Dirty Jobs" episode! Weeding, planting, and mulching, these young people and their leaders cleared flower beds and planted new flowers in preparation from the celebration of our Lord's resurrection. Praise God! If you get a chance tomorrow, don't forget to give kudos to these young people. Serving were: Sarah and Abigail Waddle, Jonathan Jennings, August Worley, Trevor Johnson, Matthew Catherman, Bethany Waddle, Kim Waddle, and Keith Waddle.
Sunday afternoon, following Confirmation Instruction, there will be neighborhood canvassing at Mt. Olive to invite the community around us to the Resurrection Egg Hunt and to hear the story of Jesus' Passion, death, and resurrection to save sinners. Canvassing begins at 2 p.m and will last until about 3:30 p.m. at the latest.
Is a scheduling conflict keeping you from making the canvassing event tomorrow? Take home some flyers and distribute them in your own neighborhood!
Also tomorrow, each bulletin will contain three flyers about the Resurrection Egg Hunt and Holy Week services. One of those is for your own refrigerator. The other two flyers are to be given away - give them away to your neighbors, friends, coworkers, or an acquaintance on the street! Don't leave them in the pew at church - here's the chance to tell the Good News about Jesus!
God bless!
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