Lord God heavenly Father, we come before Your throne of grace through faith in Your Son Jesus Christ beseeching You in prayer for those things that only You can give:
Awaken in us gladness for each opportunity to come into Your house and worship You. Remind us that our fear, love, and trust in You shows itself in the glad hearing and studying of Your Word.
Bless and prosper the work of seminaries and universities as they train men to serve Your people and reach the lost. Raise up a new generation of pastors and teachers and missionaries who will faithfully lead Your people.
We thank You for the gift of salvation that you have given us in Jesus Christ, who has set us free from our enemies and brought us to Your side. We thank You for Your daily provision that abundantly and graciously meets all of our needs of body and soul. Forgive us our grumbling and make us truly grateful for all that You do for us Your children.
Help us to trust You to meet our needs. Drive away the fear from our hearts that tempts us to gather more than we need for ourselves and closes our hand to the needs of those around us. Graciously meet the needs of all who suffer from any material want and strengthen our economy that all might find meaningful work.
Set before us the glorious freedom we have through the redeeming work of Your Son Jesus and empower us by Your Holy Spirit to use that freedom to serve You and our neighbor. Surround our nation and its people with Your abiding presence and guide the efforts of those who work in government so that peace may rest upon our land and upon all the nations of the earth.
As your guiding hand was over the families of the patriarchs, so let Your hand rest upon our own families. Guide our children and keep them from all danger that would hurt their bodies or souls. Raise up for them godly spouses who desire to serve You above all things. Bless the marriages of You people and make them blessings and witnesses of Christ’s love to others.
When we are confronted by situations and circumstances that are greater than our own resources, set before us again and again the power and love of Your Son Jesus Christ who had compassion on the multitudes and met their needs. According to Your will, heal those who are sick. Comfort the lonely. Give hope to those who mourn. Relieve those who are persecuted for the faith.
All of these things we ask in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
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