Good evening, fellow redeemed!
"I will not leave you as orphans; I am coming to you." John 14:18
As we prepare to enter Holy Week, the sorrow and anguish among the disciples grows. In John, Jesus talks about serving, and about leaving His disciples. Yet, as so many have promised and then never followed through or, even worse, changed the rules of the game, Jesus gives a promise: I am coming to you.
Jesus comes to you. In the waters of your baptism, Jesus comes to you. You are not an orphan, but a beloved child in the Father's house, adopted in Christ Jesus. Because of the Father's grace in Christ, you have a home, the home of the Father.
Lord Jesus, so many times we feel alone, betrayed, empty, abandoned. So many times our minds and our eyes tell us that our prayers bounce agains the ceiling. Yet, You promise us differently. And, You promise is sealed in Your death and resurrection. We are not alone, and You don't betray us. You hear us, and You come to us in the Means of Grace. By Your Holy Spirit, defend us from the assaults of the devil who will tell us lies about you, and keep us always mindful of Your promises that You will indeed be where You have promised. AMEN
This week at Mt. Olive:
The Holy Week service schedule will be finalized tomorrow evening at the Board of Elders meeting. Look for an email on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Tuesday, I will be the featured pastor for Prayer Time on KBNJ, 91.7 FM at 11 a.m. If you get a chance, please tune in!
Wednesday will be our last Lenten service, with both Midday and Evening Prayer. Don't forget there will be a meal in the evening, too: sloppy joes and vegetable soup.
The Resurrection Egg Hunt has become one of Mt. Olive's signature ministry events. Every year, young people and adults gather together to host young childre, to celebrate, and to tell again the wonderful story of our deliverance through Jesus' death and resurrection. Here are a few needs for this important event:
Plastic eggs; individually wrapped, non-chocolate candy items; a bull whip; a crown of thorns.
Here is the schedule of this event:
Friday, April 6
9 a.m. Egg filling and set up
Challenge! Be here at 8:30 a.m. and I will provide you with a nice, hot breakfast taco, made to order!
Saturday, April 7
9 a.m. It's Egg Hunt time! Be here and ready to work and help where needed!
Prayer Concerns:
Those undergoing surgery: Marvin Martin
Those recovering: Samantha Jacobs, Kathy Jennings, Marilyn Hamer, Frank Jennings
Those who serve in our armed forces and their families: Rob Vadney, John Sorensen
The holy Christian and apostolic Church as she continues on the road to the cross and prepares to enter Holy Week
All pastors during this busy time
The Altar Guild, Sunday School teachers, Sr. and Jr. Youth, and leaders, as activities of service become more numerous
This Week at Mt. Olive:
Monday, March 26
6:30 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics (Fellowship Hall)
Board of Elders (Conference Room)
Wednesday, March 27
8:30 a.m.
School Chapel
9:30 a.m.
Bible Study (Revelation 19)
12:15 p.m.
Midday Prayer
6 p.m.
Lenten Dinner
7:15 p.m.
Evening Prayer - The Hymn Sing starts at 7 p.m.
God bless!
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