At the end of Sunday's Old Testament Lesson in Genesis 2, Moses records, "And the man and the woman were both naked and felt no shame."
Shame - that element that used to be in abundant supply in our society and now isn't so plentiful. Think of the things that cause shame, besides being naked: scoring low on a test, being rejected by a girl or boy, losing a job. More shameful, though, are the things that affect our relationship with God: our sinfulness, our attempts at covering up our sinfulness, and the like.
But, it's an even greater shame that heals our relationship with God and takes away the shame of our rebellion and sin. The greater shame that takes away our shame is the shame of the cross - the shame the sinless Jesus endured as He was mocked, condemned, crucified, and died.
Coming this next summer, the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod holds its triennial convention in Houston, Texas. As required by the synodical constitution, Circuit 27, also known as the Coastal Bend Circuit, elected pastor and lay delegates to represent us: myself as pastoral delegate and Rebecca Kieschnick of Trinity Lutheran Church, West Sinton, as lay delegate.
Tuesday morning, Mt. Olive will host the monthly Circuit Conference or "winkel" for the pastors of our circuit.
The suggested activity for Young Adults this month is attending an Ice Rays game this coming Saturday (against Laredo). According to the web site, the least expensive tickets are $11.50. If you are a young adult and would like to attend, please give me a call at the church office.
Also this month, the Young Adults are planning to serve the community around Mt. Olive with a Trunk Treat night on October 31. Look for more details and how you might also participate!
Mt. Olive's Jr. Youth, as well as those planning to attend the National Youth Gathering next summer, will host a car wash on October 24. Presale tickets are available, and the suggested donation is $5 per car.
Mt. Olive's version of Octoberfest will be held on Saturday, October 24. I've heard rumors that there will be some really good sauerbraten to be had.
Special Prayer Needs:
Those who are ill or hospitalized, especially Ruth Prytz
Those serving in our armed forces: Michael Baker (Iraq), Edwin Rodriguez (Afghanistan), Andrew Epley (preparing for deployment), Richard Rhode (North Carolina), Dru Blanc and Chris Sorensen (NAS Corpus Christi)
The pastors of our circuit and the circuit counselor, Pastor Eckert
The mission work of the Church throughout the world, that eager voices would faithfully proclaim Christ, and that eager ears would hear them
Students in our schools, especially those preparing for graduation during this school year
God bless!
This Week at Mt. Olive:
Monday, October 5:
Girl Scouts, 6:30 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 6
Circuit 27 Conference, 9 a.m.
Wednesday, October 7
School Chapel, 8:30 a.m.
Bible Study, 9:30 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal, 6 p.m.
Guitar Worship Rehearsal, 7 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics, 7 p.m.
Thursday, October 8
Cub Scout Den Meetings, 6:30 p.m.
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