Lessons for Proper 25 (Lutheran Service Book) October 25, 2009
Jeremiah 31:7–9 ~ The remnant of Israel will cry out to the Lord as they return from exile.
Psalm 126 (antiphon: v. 5)
Hebrews 7:23–28 ~ Jesus, our High Priest, was appointed by God’s covenant to be our intercessor forever.
Mark 10:46–52 ~ When Bartimaeus received his sight, he joyfully followed Jesus, the One who had healed him.
GATHERING THE TEXTS: O Lord, Save Your People!
Jeremiah brought hope even to the exiles of the northern kingdom of Israel. The remnant would be restored with tears of joy; even the most vulnerable would be brought back by God’s merciful hand. The writer to the Hebrews pointed to Jesus as the eternal Priest who intercedes for His people and sacrificed Himself to save them from the power of their sins. While He was on this earth, Jesus responded to the cries of the vulnerable, like Bartimaeus, who called out, “Son of David, have mercy on me.” When his sight was restored, he followed Jesus joyfully.
PRAYER BEFORE THE SERVICE: O Lord, have mercy on me! You have rescued me from spiritual darkness by giving me eyes of faith to see Your light. Grant me also, a joyful spirit, that I may follow You along the pathway of Life, always trusting Your power to rescue those who are vulnerable to the dangers of this world. Amen.
STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: Our merciful God responds to the needs of those most vulnerable to the dangers of life. When we call out for help, He hears and answers, as He did with blind Bartimaeus. We also respond with the help we can provide to those in need around us.
OFFERING PRAYER: Lord, save Your people in their need,
And save us from the power of greed,
That all these gifts may bring You glory
And work to spread salvation’s story. Amen.
CONVICTION AND COMFORT: Because we are beset by many problems in life and blinded by our own sin, we need intercessors to call out for us and to encourage us, “Take heart; get up, he is calling you.” Without prophets to gather us and support us, we lose heart and cannot trust in God’s promised redemption. God has provided more than a prophet and a greater Priest! His own Son intercedes for us on the bases of the gift of His life, offered up for us, once for all, to give us life and hope and make us well for all eternity!
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