Trinity Lutheran, West Sinton, has received authorization from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, to install Jim Autry as Vicar. Jim has been serving in Word and Sacrament ministry at Trinity as a Deacon, under the authorization of Texas District President Ken Hennings. Now Jim is enrolled in the four year Specific Ministry Pastor program at Concordia Seminary. He has nearly completed the first of 17 courses, administered via the internet. Students are on the web, live with their instructor and classmates for weekly 2 hour sessions. Each course is 10 weeks long and follows the same calendar as the residential program of the seminary.
The SMP program vicarage begins at the same time as the student begins his course work at the seminary. It is defined as a “concurrent-deferred” vicarage, meaning that the student serves his vicarage while he engages in his theological education in the ministry situation in which he will serve as a Specific Ministry Pastor. Periodic reports are made by the student and the supervising pastor to the Director of Vicarage.
Each SMP Vicar has a Pastor-mentor, who upholds the student in faith and life through encouragement, support, and prayer; mentors the student in formal studies on a regular basis; works with the student to contextualize course content to his life and ministry; provides feedback on the student to the Seminary and District. The SMP student is expected to meet with his mentor weekly for 2 to 3 hours of discussions and work focused on the week’s learning material.
As Jim’s Pastor-mentor, I will preach at Trinity, West Sinton, on Sunday, Oct 25, and install him as SMP Vicar at the regular 9:30 a.m. service. You are certainly welcome to attend if you able. I urge all our congregations in Circuit 27 to have a prayer for Vicar Autry and Trinity and the ministry that they share under the Spirit’s guidance.
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