Lord God heavenly Father, hear us now as we pray in the name of Your Son Jesus: calm our fears, deliver us from falling, guide our life’s journey, and receive our thanks and praise:
Be with all of those who through sickness and injury have been reminded that this life will not endure forever. As You grant them healing according to Your prefect will and timing, remind them that their souls will be delivered from death. Especially do we remember: Mike, Matthew, Xavier, Sandy, Michael, Kay, Elvira, Nancy, Donald, Laura, Robert, Tim, and Nicole.
We thank You for the gifts of marriage and family that are Your creation and yet we know that our sin often mars these relationships. We stand in constant need of Your help to live together faithfully as husbands and wives—parents and children. Forgive us when we fail in our particular place in the family and forgive those we love when they fail. Help us to abide together in holy love.
Like Abel, grant us a right spirit when it comes to our offerings, that we would always bring You that which is best, gladly sacrificing in thanksgiving for the sacrifice of Your own dear Son upon the cross. We thank You for the faithful stewardship of the members of this congregation and for the material blessings that you have lavished upon us during this last year and pray that You would continue to receive with favor the offerings we bring.
Grant us the gift of Your holy Spirit, active in our lives through Word and Sacrament, that the words of Paul might be our own: that throughout our lives we have fought the good fight and kept the faith so that we might look forward in confident love to the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank You for those faithful Christians who have come before us and now rest in Your presence. Especially do we remember: Wayne and Irene and Domenick and Annie. Keep us perfectly united with them and all Your people in the living Body of Christ.
Continue to bless the work of Your church throughout the world so that Your message of Law and Gospel would be fully proclaimed for the salvation of the world. Protect and bless and empower all of those who preach and teach Your Words and rescue them from every evil and danger of body and soul.
We especially pray that You would graciously keep us from every temptation to trust in anything or anyone other than Your Son Jesus Christ for our salvation. Grant us humility and repentance that we might be lifted up in his righteousness. Help us to return again and again to the promise of life and salvation that You made to us in our baptism and keep us in that grace throughout our life so that we might enter into Your kingdom and obtain the crown of righteousness.
All of these things and whatever else You see that we need—whatever is for the good of our neighbor and redounds to Your glory—grant to us dear Father for the sake of the One who taught us to pray:
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