Good evening, fellow redeemed!
There are a lot of times I'm glad I'm a Lutheran. Funerals and weddings constitute a number of those times. The things I hear at some funerals, and I won't say whose or which denominations they are (sometimes they're Lutherans, too), present me with a difficulty. I'm often directed toward "a better place" and a person's helpful lifestyle at funerals, and the great, earthly blessings of marriage, and away from the cross and empty tomb, away from the God of grace who freely gives great blessings. Like I said, I'm glad I'm a Lutheran - the meat and potatoes of the message is always Christ and Him crucified, through whom we are right, justified, before God. Life is different when it's viewed under the cross.
I think that's why St. Paul's words in this morning's Epistle reading from 2 Timothy 2: You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
The message preached so often by Paul, and the one about which he wrote by inspiration of the Holy Spirit is what gives comfort when everything else is stripped away. This is the message of Christ crucified which calms fears when there's anxiety about the days ahead. While in seminary, Professor Schmelder taught my first homiletics course. Homiletics is the practice of preaching - and I passed it. One day, when class was over, while a lot of us were holding forth on a lot of different things, Prof. Schmelder, to whom we affectionately referred as "Wild Bill", stopped us. He simply said, "Gentlemen, if we're not preaching Jesus Christ crucified and raised for our salvation, none of the rest of this stuff matters."
Sage words from an old preacher were rendered that day. They echoed the forerunner of all preachers and pastors, St. Paul, as the apostle wrote to young Timothy.
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, the message of the cross is what stands when everything else has fallen. When our Lord Jesus returns in glory, still He will bear the marks of His life-giving suffering and death. He will still have the places where His blood of atonement was shed.
So often, we look to other messages and other messengers to grant us hope, by which we hold out for the big miracle. We listen to other voices who tell us of the bumps in the road. Yet, all of these undoubtedly fail. Only Jesus Christ and Him crucified remain.
As families mourn the deaths of loved ones, comfort them with the message of Christ crucified, that, while their loved ones have died and now rest from their labors, there will be resurrection in Christ on the day He calls them forth from the grave. As couples look toward the future and the unknowns that line the road, direct them to the one certainty - Christ crucified. As we ponder our own sinfulness and our own mortality, as we look at the great unknowns of the future, give us courage and strength from the cross, that the Crucified has atoned for all our sin, and that, for those who are joined to Him by faith, though there will be weeping and mourning and pain and loss, we have the certainty of sins forgiven and life everlasting because Jesus died and rose again. In His most holy name. Amen
This week at Mt. Olive, a few changes dot the landscape of the week. Church Council meeting has moved to 18 OCT, and the Board of Elders in turn moved to 25 OCT.
Zumba Aerobics continue to meet on Monday and Wednesday at 6 p.m.
Young Adults are meeting for Bible Study on Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. at Barnes and Noble.
A new Sunday School class has begun - the Cradle Roll! This particular group is especially for those under 2, and will be supervised by Marilyn Hamer.
Choir rehearsals begin this Wednesday after Zumba. Get those pipes warmed up!
Finally, today was Pastor Schubert's last Sunday at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Flour Bluff. We pray God's richest blessings on the ministry into which he has been called at Escanaba, Michigan.
I will be out of the office after about noon on Thursday.
Prayer Concerns:
Michael Dearing - successful surgery this week
Those recovering: Ruth Prytz, Donnae Blake, Helen Placke
Those who mourn:
Michael and Brandi Baker and their family at the death of Mike's mother;
Steve and Bill Waterman and their families at the death of Steve and Bill's mother
Those who serve in our armed forces: Rob Vadney (Afghanistan), John Sorensen, Dru Blanc, Ryan Radtke (Corpus Christi)
This Week at Mt. Olive:
Monday, October 11
6 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics
Tuesday, October 12
7:30 p.m.
Young Adult Bible Study
Wednesday, October 13
6 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics
7 p.m.
Choir rehearsal
God bless!
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