Good evening, fellow redeemed!
Today's Epistle from 2 Timothy 3:16 is an oft-quoted text in our church. Some translations render the phrase, "All Scripture is given by inspiration from God." Sorry, that's not what the Greek says! The adjective is "God breathed." St. Paul calls Holy Scripture "God-breathed," a phrase usually quoted to mean that the Bible is God's holy Word, and rightly so. The texts of the Bible, the things written down, are God's words put to writing by human authors. Talk about heavy!
Yet, it's heavier than at first glance! If Holy Scripture is more like Reader's Digest, a book of truths simply to be mined for its content, Holy Scripture is sadly downplayed.
That Holy Scripture is God-breathed tells us not only that the words are God's Words, divinely breathed out and written down by human authors, but also that this same Holy Scripture is living and active. It is through this Word that the Holy Spirit has promised to work, birthing faith (Romans 10:17). This word combats error (Ephesians 6:17) and gives comfort to the afflicted (2 Corinthians 2:12).
This afternoon, as the confirmands and I worked through the creation account of Genesis 1 and 2, we learned how God created: He spoke. God creates by speaking. It's no wonder, then, that Holy Scripture, breathed out by God, is what we long to hear each day. We want to hear God's powerful, faith-giving, error-combating, comforting, creative Word!
Lord God, You are the talking God who has breathed out His Word. Through this Word, Your Spirit has promised to work. Keep us firm in this Word daily, that we may be kept firm in our faith, safeguarded from the attacks of the devil and comforted in this valley of sorrow. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
Things get exciting each year about this time for a number of reasons.
After seeing Burt Nelson in church last week (and again this morning), Michael Dearing was in attendance today following surgery. Praise God!
Jr. Confirmation began again today. It's always a great joy to watch these young people as the truths of God's Word unfold before them. First year confirmands this year are: Wade Adler, Cassi Hamer, Stephanie Hanelt, and Michael Jennings
Youth functions for the church kick up about this time of year. Next Sunday, October 24, there will be a youth planning and game night for grades 6-12 (that's both groups). Bring your calendars, some ideas for activities, your favorite soda. Word has it that touch football on the parking lot may be a reality. Of course, the big question: Can Mt. Olive's youth go on a camping trip without a hail storm?
Choir has also begun rehearsing, working up to Reformation Sunday (31 October).
Sunday, October 31, will mark many Halloween celebrations. Following in the practice from last year, I invite all those interested to participate in another Trunk-Treat Halloween Celebration. This is an opportunity to share goodies and the Good News about Jesus with our community. I'll have the beginning and ending time later in the week.
I ask that you remember the Church Council in your prayers this week. This month usually marks the month when budget deliberations begin for the coming year. Pray that God give these men and women wisdom, and that, by the Holy Spirit, they be kept faithful and safe from the attacks of the devil.
Finally, the weekly beginning of Sunday School and Bible Class will be a special time. It's time for this fall's first award ceremony! Please make it a point to celebrate these achievements in the faith!
Prayer Concerns:
Johnnie King, father-in-law of Sue King, who is hospitalized
Daryl Piering, friend of the Jennings family, who is battling leukemia
Helen Placke, who is progressing well after double knee replacement surgery
Ruth Prytz, Donnae Blake, Ruby Rieder, and Ann Cleveland, who are currently home bound
Those who serve in our armed forces and their families: Rob Vadney (Afghanistan)
The Sunday School teachers of Mt. Olive and the students committed to their instruction
Churches throughout the LCMS as they begin preparations for the new calendar year
This Week at Mt. Olive:
Monday, 18 OCT 2010
6 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics
7 p.m.
Church Council - Pastor's Conference Room
STARC testing - Overflow
Tuesday, 19 OCT 2010
7:30 p.m.
Young Adult Bible Study at Barnes and Noble (Topic: the Flood)
Wednesday, 20 OCT 2010
8:30 a.m.
School Chapel
9:30 a.m.
Bible Study (Deuteronomy)
6 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics
7 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
Sunday, 24 OCT
8 and 10:30 a.m.
Divine Service
12 p.m.
Jr. Confirmation Instruction
5 p.m.
Youth Planning and Game Night
God bless!
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