Good afternoon, fellow redeemed!
Unworthy servants. To tell the truth, this particular text from Luke 17 is one of my favorites, both for what it says and for what it doesn't say. Jesus doesn't say we need to try harder, or that we need just a little feathering around the edges. He does say that true faith, though itty-bitty, is centered in Him and not in ourselves.
But, the unworthy servants thing? I sometimes tell folks I spent a summer in sunny southern California in a place called MCRD - Marine Corps Recruit Depot. It was a summer to remember. Why bring that up now? I think of all the things our drill instructors called us during our time there. Some of them, as you can guess, are best left out of print. Others are kind of along the lines of unworthy servants: miserable pukes. Well, that's the only one I can remember that's printable. The point of the DIs was to tear us down and rebuild us as Marines. We were moved to maximum efforts on our own parts to do things we didn't think possible. Mine were finally doing more than fifteen pull ups on the physical fitness test and shooting expert at the range.
The great difference for us unworthy servants come in that, in Christ's kingdom and on His mission, our efforts mean exactly squat. Everything we do is tainted with sin while we are still in this flesh. Being in Christ's kingdom is a matter of grace - God's favor on account of Christ. Being on Christ's mission is grace, too. As we confess in the Catechism, "I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ my Lord or come to Him, but the Holy Ghost has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith, even as He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian Church on earth and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith.
This week at Mt. Olive has one correction for an announcement I made last week, plus a couple of other things.
Yesterday at worship, we all rejoiced to see two folks for whom we prayed over the past year safe and sound at home. One was Andrew Epley, Deysi's husband. The other was actually a guest, John Miller's niece, Athena, and her husband and children. Athena spent the last year in Afghanistan with U. S. forces. It was truly a blessing to see her and be able to tell her, "It's good to see you! We prayed for you a lot over the past year."
Mt. Olive will be hosting the October Circuit Conference for the pastors of our sister congregations. You may have heard this called a "winkel."
Next Sunday, the LWML will be having a bake sale between services. It's time to fire up those ovens! LWML chapters throughout the Church are known for good food, especially good cooking. More importantly, bring money to buy the stuff that will be available!
It brings joy to my heart that our Sunday School is in the process of adding another level - the Cradle Roll. This is an opportunity for the children younger than Sunday School age to gather together, hear an episode from the Bible, and share some fun. Please remember the Sunday School teachers in your prayers, rejoicing that God has given us the task of teaching the voice of the Savior, Jesus, to young people!
Finally, a correction for last week's announcements. I'm always kind of tentative, sending out requests for fund raisers for my children, but here's an easy one. The Carroll Tiger Band will be having doing a fund raiser at the McDonald's at Saratoga and Weber this Thursday evening from 5 to 8 p.m. I'm told that the brass and the drum line will perform from 6 to 7 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from sales during this time will go to the band. If you're in the area, drop by!
Prayer Concerns:
Bill and Steve Waterman and their families, at the death of their mother, LaVonne Waterman
Michael Baker and his family, as his mother is seriously ill
Those who serve in our armed forces and their families: Rob Vadney (Afghanistan), Dru Blanc, John Sorensen, Ryan Radtke (Corpus Christi)
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League as they continue mission endeavors around the world
This Week at Mt. Olive:
Monday, October 4
6 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics
Tuesday, October 5
8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Circuit 27 Pastors Conference
7:30 p.m.
Young Adult Bible Study (Barnes and Noble for the time being)
Wednesday, October 6
8:30 a.m.
School Chapel
9:30 a.m.
Bible Study (Deuteronomy)
6 p.m.
Zumba Aerobics
God bless!
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